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This website contains my personal thoughts, sensitive topics may appear, all essays will have content warnings

Dear readers, this website is a constant work in progress, its a collection of personal essays and is a side/passion project for me



Hi im back everyone! Its been a rough couple of months. Im hoping to get back into writing and continue updating the site. Im changing the formating temporarily to make this a little easier on me. Scroll down to read, at some point this site will be WAY easier to navigate but I need to work on some fixes. For now all updates will be up here and under ESSAYS will ONLY be my essays, theres no more information about the site under that.

The latesr update was made:10/20/24

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No.1 "Something to believe in"

Since the beginning of time us as humans have yearned for something to believe in. We began with stories, the stars, the ocean, the sun all connected through stories. Through those stories of how we came to be we formed religion, a new thing to believe in. Religion has existed far before you, a testament to the human need to believe in something. When people think of what makes us human and what we need to survive they usually mention three main ideas; food, water, shelter. Those are all needed to survive but its missing the idea of something to believe in. The idea of belief has evolved, many people straying from religion in favor of something else. Often people never think of what they believe in because it doesnt have a book, a set rule of commandments, its simply an idea. When people hear belief they think of God (or Gods), maybe a good experience, maybe a less than favorable one but they often wouldnt call themself a believer, but they are. As humans, we are born believing and die believing. Belief is opinion and important, its one of many things that make us truly human.

Why is this something to talk about? And why is belief so essential to us being human? Belief is how we persevere, its how we push ourselves down. Its the method to ascension and drowning. We live in an age where conformity is becoming progressively less of a need. The name you were born into, the place, and so much more dont determine what you must believe in. In the age of the internet, the promotion of ideas is much easier, you too can form and impact belief. The internet is slowly becoming a better place (or so we think) but as people often say "the internet is forever". What many have said years ago remains up for discussion and more importantly is still impactful. The idea of "digital footprint" is something commonly used to scare the youth away from the internet or using it to make an impact. In the modern age of the internet, theres digital footprint and radioactive pieces of the internet, mutating those who come close to it, those who go in never going out, impacting generations to come. Within the past hundred years (give or take) weve had enough technological revolutions and wars to know the lasting effects of them that can not be taken away by clean-up crews or therapy. Places to be untouched by humans for years and years, the internet has a similar effect thats often hidden.
The difference between the idea of a post-bombing internet site and digital footprint is their impact. A footprint can tell you a lot, its a tool used to find out what came before, it operates similarly online. For a job, digital footprint can tell someone who you were before they could know you. It might have an impact, but it can be walked over, scrolled past. A post-bombing internet site will never stop the impact. The radiation goes on for miles, once youre trapped its impossible to escape. If you do escape, youll never be the same, youll be viewed as a hero or a shame. Proof of the beauty of survival and a prime example of the grace or the epitome of shame.
So how does this connect to belief? Have we stayed from the point? No, we havent. The internet shapes us by shaping our beliefs. A random collection of internets saves shape the binding, the posts inside form our beliefs, our minds form what these things mean. A big part of what keeps us alive is our beliefs. They keep us content. When we couldnt figure out why we had stars, we became frustrated in our lack of understanding, so we created myths to explain things, our beliefs make us feel smart enough to deserve being human. Our beliefs are everywhere, people who say they arent followers often are, being a follower doesnt necessarily mean anything bad, just a word, we believe means something. Hopefully this concept is starting to make sense. Our beliefs and ideas often stack. We believe in math formulas and science, all of which is to some degree made up, we put a name to something and stack on it. Not to say they arent true or real, but we follow ideas (beliefs) created by others, and so far thats been working. When someone said one plus one equals two we stuck with it and it works but its because we made it work and formed around it so it would be consistent. When a recipe calls for two cups of flour, its never going to actually mean three, it means to use one cup of flour, twice.
At the end of the day, thats my belief on the matter. Im no scientist. But if I said I was, how would you feel about that? If this was in a textbook, how would you feel? If I said I was God, how would that make you feel? Would what I said change if I was your mother, father, brother, sister? What if I was your dog? What if I was you?

Written on 10/20/24