Dear readers, this website is a constant work in progress, its a collection of personal essays and is a side/passion project for me
""Since the beginning of time us as humans have yearned for something to believe in. We began with stories, the stars, the ocean, the sun all connected through stories. Through those stories of how we came to be we formed religion, a new thing to believe in. Religion has existed far before you, a testament to the human need to believe in something. When people think of what makes us human and what we need to survive they usually mention three main ideas; food, water, shelter. Those are all needed to survive but its missing the idea of something to believe in. The idea of belief has evolved, many people straying from religion in favor of something else. Often people never think of what they believe in because it doesnt have a book, a set rule of commandments, its simply an idea. When people hear belief they think of God (or Gods), maybe a good experience, maybe a less than favorable one but they often wouldnt call themself a believer, but they are. As humans, we are born believing and die believing. Belief is opinion and important, its one of many things that make us truly human.